06 December, 2016

Australia: Brighton Beach, Melbourne

For a shed, these beach huts could apparently go up to $260,000. [1]

To be honest, I just think it is a really cool place to take photos. The only thing I could learn to appreciate is the art that are painted individually on these bathing boxes. Everything is so vibrant and colourful, making it the perfect location to take travel photos. Exactly why it is infested with tourists.

Other than that I think the beach was okay, would not say it is spectacular. Brighton Beach is easily accessible by train. Assuming you are coming from Melbourne CBD, hop on a Sandringham train and get off at Brighton Beach Station. Keep walking along the beach and you would see the row of beautiful boxes. Make sure you bring enough water to keep yourself hydrated and apply sunscreen if it is during the summer. I remember there was not a lot of stores nearby, which means inconvenience if you are looking for a quick drink or snack.

I guess I made the mistake of having too much expectation before heading there. Certain areas of the sand has really sharp rocks so might want to consider keeping them thongs on before you find the perfect spot. None of the bathing boxes were open to view when I went, which is understandable as I found out later on that they are all private properties. I am not so sure about the exact numbers of boxes but it was not that much. I pictured it to cover the whole stretch.

Even so, I respect the fact that it is historical and cultural resource. It is the only remaining structure of its kind close to Melbourne CBD. If you would love to add some beautiful colours into your photo album, I would still recommend you to visit this lovely place.


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